Procedures & Forms

  • 100 - General Administration

    pdfAP 100 Strategic Planning Framework

    pdfAP 101 Annual Reports

    pdfAP 111 School Community Councils

    pdfF 15 1 SCC Action Plan Chart Template

           pdfF 15.2 SCC Action Plan List Template

           pdfF 15.3 SCC Budget Template

    pdfAP 120 Policy and Procedures Dissemination

    pdfAP 121 Review of Administrative Procedures

    pdfAP 130 Instructional Year

    pdfAP 131 Emergency School Cancellation

    pdfAP 132 Inclement Weather

    pdfAP 135 Pandemic Response

         pdfAP135  Appendix Exposure Control Plan COVID-19

    pdfAP 140 Issue Resolution Protocol

    pdfAP 144 Information Security

    pdfAP 145 Network Services: Man/Internet Access

    pdfF 145 2 Guest Internet User Agreement

    pdfAP 146 Use of Personal Electronic Devices PEDS

            pdfF 146.1 Individual Exemption Form - Use of Personal Electronic Devices

    pdfAP 147 Purchase and Installation of Software

    pdfAP 148 Technology Maintenance and Services

    pdfAP149 Social Media / Networking

    pdfAP150 Media Relations

    pdfAP 152 Parish Relations and Liaising

    pdfAP 153 Dispersal of Information Through Schools

    pdfAP 154 Public Official Elections

    pdfAP 155 Event Protocol

    pdfAP 156 Visit Protocol

    pdfAP 157 Agency Presentation to Students

    pdfAP 158 Technology / Online Acceptable Use

    pdfAP 160 Health and Safety of Students and Staff

    pdfAP161 Universal Precautions

    pdfAP 162 Alcohol and Drugs On School Premises

    pdfAP 163 Tobacco Free Environment

    pdfAP 164 Staff Home Visit Guide

    pdfAP 165 Safe Schools

           pdfF 165 1 Violence Threat Risk Assessment Nofication

    pdfAP 166 Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)

         pdfAP166.1  Appendix CIRT Protocol

    pdfAP 170 Violence

    pdfAP 180 Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy     

    pdfAP 181 Video Surveillance

    pdfAP 182 Security Alarm Procedures

    pdfAP184 Disposal of Surplus Capital Items

         pdfF 184 1 Disposal of Surplus Capital Items Request

    pdfAP 185 Records Retention and Disposal

    pdfAP 190 Copyright

  • 200 - Instructional Programs & Materials

    pdfAP 200 Organization for Instruction

    pdfAP 201 Curriculum Delivery

    pdfAP 202 Religious Education

    pdfAP 203 Family Life Program

    pdfAP 204 Indigenous Education

    pdfAP 205 Controversial Issues

    pdfAP 209 Work Based Learning Programs

           pdfF 209 1 Four Party Work Based Learning Agreement

           pdfF 209 2 Work Based Learning Contract

    pdfAP 210 Students with Exceptional Needs

    pdfAP 211 Early Entrance Programs - Programming

    pdfAP 212 English As A Second Language

    pdfAP 212 1 EAL Intake and Initial Assessment Procedures

    pdfAP 213 Second Language Learning

    pdfAP 214 Band Program

    pdfAP 215 Career Education

    pdfAP 216 Physical Activity Programs

           pdfF 216 1 Indoor Facilities Safety Report

           pdfF 216 2 Outdoor Facilities Safety Report

           pdfF 216 3 Activity Room Safety Guidelines

           pdfF 216 4 Gymnasium Equipment Safety Report

           pdfF 216 5 First Aid Kit

           pdfF 216 6 Medical Information Form

           pdfF 216 7 Accident Response Plan            

    pdfAP 216AAppendix A Sport Activity Handbook

    pdfAP 217 Locally Developed Programs

    pdfAP 218 Special Project Credit

    pdfAP 219 Course Challenge

    pdfAP 220 Apprenticeship Credits

     pdfAP221 Credit Recovery

           pdfF 221 1 Credit Recovery Application

    pdfAP 222 High School Sports

    pdfAP223 Volunteerism 30 Credit

    pdfAP 230 Substitute Teacher Supervision

    pdfAP 235 Driver Education

    pdfAP 240 Guidance and Couselling Services

    pdfAP 250 Selection of Instructional Materials Learning Resources

           pdfF 250 1 Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources

           pdfAP 250A Appendix Guidelines for the Assessment and Selection of Learning Resources

    pdfAP 251 Digital Media Instructional Resources

    pdfAP 252 Lost or Damaged Textbooks

    pdfAP 260 Student Travel

           pdfF 260 1 Permission to Make Alternate Transportation Arrangements 

           pdfF 260 2 Application for Automobile Driver Authorization

           pdfF 260 3 Voluntary Driver Registration 

    pdfAP 261 Extended Student Travel

           pdfF 261 1 Waiver and Forms

           pdfF 261 2 Waiver and Forms Trips Outside of Alberta and Saskatchewan

    pdfAP 270 Home-based Education

           pdfF 270 1 Home-based Education Invoice Form

           pdfF 270 2 Home-based Education Progress Report

           pdfF 270 3 Home-based Education Plan

  • 300 - Students

    pdfAP 300 Entrance Age

    pdfAP 301 Admission of Students

    pdfAP 302 Student Fees

    pdfAP 303 Before/After School Program 

    pdfAP 305 Student Code of Conduct

    pdfAP309 Accommodating and Respecting Gender Identity and Expression     

    pdfAP 310 Student Safety and Supervision

    pdfAP 311 Harassment Students

    pdfAP 313 Emergency Evacuations (Contact LCSD office for further information)

    AP 314 School Action Plan For Emergencies (SAFE) (Contact the LCSD office for further information.)

    pdfAP 315 Student Injuries At School

           pdfF 315 1 Concussion Response Tool

    pdfAP 316  Chronic Student Health Services

           pdfF 316 1 Parent Authorization for Chronic Health Care at School

           pdfF 316 2 Letter to Doctor Regarding Health Services

           pdfF 316 3 Daily Medication Record

           pdfF 316 4 Daily Record of Health Care Interventions

           pdfF 316 5 Health Services Plan

           pdfF 316 6 Child Specific Emergency Plan

    pdfAP 317 Anaphylaxis

    pdfAP 318 Pediculosis Head Lice

    pdfAP 319 Temporary Student Health Support

           pdfF 319 1 Parent Authorization for Temporary Health Care At School

    pdfAP320 AP 320 Student Records

          pdfF 320 1 Consent To Release/Obtain Confidential Information

    pdfAP 321 Student Information Systems

    pdfAP 330 Child Protection

    pdfAP 340 Attendance of Students

    pdfAP345 Free Menstrual Products

    pdfAP 351 Bullying

    pdfAP 352 Student Discipline

    pdfAP 353 Physical Restrain & Seclusion

    pdfForm 353 1 Physical Restraint & Seclusion Incident Report

            pdfForm 353 2 Staff Debrief Data Collection

    pdfAP 355 Interviewing Students At School By Police or Child Welfare

    pdfAP 356 Searches by School Authorities

    pdfAP 357 Damage to Property

    pdfAP 360 Student Assessment Evaluation and Reporting    

          pdfAP 360A Appendix A Key Communicators Document for Kindergarten to Grade Twelve

          pdfAP 360C Appendix C Second Chance Learning

    pdfAP 361 Student Retention

  • 400 - Personnel

    pdfAP400 Professional Recruitment and Hiring

    pdfAP401 Support Staff Recruitment & Selection

    pdfAP 402 Administration Recruitment and Hiring

    pdfAP 403 Harassment Employees

    pdfAP 404 Human Resource Practices for Support Staff

           pdfF 404 1 Support Staff Request for Leave From Duties - Support Staff

    pdfF 404 10 Travel Log    

            pdfAP404A  School Support Staff Grids   

            pdfAP404B Appendix 2024-2025 Student Support Services Calendar      

            pdfAP404C Appendix 2024-2025 Division Office and Administrative Assistant Calendar         

            pdfAP404D Appendix 2024-2025 Education Assistant Calendar       

            pdfAP404E Appendix 2024-2025 Librarian Calendar      

            pdfAP404F Appendix 2024-2025 Bus Drivers Calendar

     pdfAP 405 Payment of Staff

    pdfF 405 1 Pay Period Request Form

    pdfAP 406 Employee Access to Personnel Files

    pdfAP 407 Support Staff Pay Scale Adjustment

    pdfAP 408 Long Service Award Program

    pdfAP 409 Extra Curricular Recognition

    pdfF 409 1 Log of Extra Curricular Hours

    pdfAP410 Professional Learning, Supervision and Evaluation of Teachers

           pdfAP 410A LCSD Professional Learning Matrix 

           pdfAP 410B  LCSD Planning Interview Question Guide

           pdfAP 410C LCSD Planning Checklist

     pdfAP411 Professional Learning

    pdfF 411 Professional Learning 

    pdfAP 412 Deferred Salary Plan

    pdfAP 413 Pay Advance - New Teachers

    pdfF 413 1 Pay Advance Form - New Teacher         

    pdfAP 415 Fitness Credits

    pdfF 415 1 Fitness Credits

    pdfAP 420 Administrative Leave

    pdfAP 425 Teacher Preparation Time

    pdfAP430 Human Resource Development

    pdfAP 440 Teacher on Special Assignment

    pdfAP450 LINC Agreement                         

    pdfF 450 8 Teacher Staff Form - Request for Leave

    pdfAP450 1 LINC Negotiations

    pdfAP 455 Extended Medical Leave

    pdfF455 1  LCSD Teacher Verification of Sickness Practitioner's Report

    pdfF455 1.1 LCSD Teacher Physician Medical Restriction

    pdfF455 2  Support Staff Verification of Sickness Practitioner's Report

    pdfF455 2.1 Support Staff Physician Medical Restriction

    pdfAP458 Teacher Redundancy

    pdfAP 460 Substitute Staff

    pdfF 460 1 Application for Substitute Teaching Position

    pdfF 460 2 General Application for Employment Substitute

    pdfF 460 3 Application for Substitute Educational Assistant

    pdfAP 470 Professional Obligation

    pdfAP 475 Catholicity Expectations of Teachers  and Administrator's

    pdfAP480 Employee - Alcohol and Drugs

    pdfAP485 Employee Termination and Progressive Discipline

    pdfAP 490 Volunteers

          pdfF 490 1 Volunteer Understanding Form

          pdfF 490 3 Volunteer Handbook 

  • 500 - Business Procedures

    pdfAP 500 Budget

    pdfAP 510 Financial Accounting and Auditing

    pdfAP 512 Carry Over of Funds

    pdfAP 513 Petty Cash Funds

    pdfAP 514 Investments

    pdfAP 515 Purchasing

    pdfAP 517 Purchase Card User Manual

           pdfForm 517 1  Pcard Cardholder Agreement

           pdfForm 517 2 New Purchase Card / Purchase Card Change Request

           pdfForm 517 3  Missing Purchase Card Receipt

    pdfAP 519 Inventory

    pdfAP 520 Financial Accountability for School Generated Funds

    pdfAP 521 Extra-Curricular Student Fees, Fundraising and Donations

    pdfAP 522 Charitable Donations to Schools

    pdfAP 523 Special School Projects

           pdfForm 523 1 Special School Project

    pdfAP 525 Sponsorships

    pdfAP 526 Community Partnerships

    pdfAP 527 Political Donations

    pdfAP 530 Insurance

           pdfF 530 1 School Incident Report Form

    pdfAP 540 Planning for School Facilities

    pdfAP 542 Key Control

    pdfAP 543 Cash In School Buildings

    pdfAP 544 Break-Ins, Theft and Vandalism

    pdfAP 545 Environmental Stewardship

    pdfAP 546 School Playgrounds Development and Use

    pdfAP 547 Rental or Lease of Division Property Facilities and Related Partnerships

          pdfF 547 1 Facility Utilization Agreement Form

          pdfF 547 2 Rental Fee Schedule

    pdfAP 548 Loan of Equipment and or Materials and Facility Use

    pdfAP 549 Internal Use of Division Property / Facilities

    pdfAP 550 Bussing Service

    pdfAP 551 Student Transportation Procedures

          pdfF 551 1 Bussing Field Trip Request 

    pdfAP 552 Use of 15 Passenger Van

          pdfF 552 1 Division Vehicle Request             

    pdfAP 560 Nutrition

    pdfAP 561 LCSD Outreach Fund

           pdfAP561 Appendix LCSD Outreach Fund Committee Terms of Reference

           pdfF 561 1 Outreach Request/Reporting Form

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Holy Rosary

(English / French Immersion) Grades 8-12

(780) 875-3600

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(French Immersion) Kindergarten to Grade 7

(780) 875-5366

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Father Gorman

Kindergarten to Grade 7

(306) 825-4600

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St Joseph

Kindergarten to Grade 7

(780) 875-2442

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St Marys

Kindergarten to Grade 7

(780) 808-8600

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Mother Theresa

Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2

(780) 871-5944

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